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16 Best LEGO® Building Books

Trusted by Over 392 Clients
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Bring Your Idea to Life

It goes without saying that LEGO® does an amazing job designing their sets with themes such as Star Wars, Batman, Ninjago and City as just a few examples. For some people, though it’s just not enough and they want to get creative, use their imagination and have fun thinking outside the box. This is where LEGO® building books come in…

There are loads of books available on the market which give you hints, tips, and techniques that help get those creative juices flowing! We have trawled through the internet and local book stores to find and pick out the Top 16 LEGO® building books for you. So without any further delay here they are…

1. LEGO® Awesome Ideas

Become a master builder with the LEGO® Awesome Ideas book by DK. This book is perfect for anyone who loves LEGO, from beginners to expert builders, this book will ensure you have enough creative ideas, tips, and techniques to keep you building for years to come!

Our Score: 10 / 10

2. 365 Things to Do with LEGO® Bricks

This book by DK will keep you busy all year long with inspiring topics, fun builds and even timed challenges using the timer that comes free with this book! In 2016 this book won the Best Book category Creative Play Awards, so you are sure you are going to receive a fun packed exciting book to keep you busy.

Our Score: 9.8 / 10

3. LEGO® Minifigure Handbook Paperback

If you are fans of minifigures then this book is going to be for you! Hannah Dolan (also known for the LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia book) captures even the finest detail of each minifigure. This fun packed easy read book looks at all of the best minifigures over the past 40 years so be prepared to not be able to put this one down!

Our Score: 9.8 / 10

4. LEGO® DC Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia

Are you a fan of LEGO® DC? If so, you are not going to want to miss out on this book from DK. You will be able to wow your friends with the DC super hero facts that have never been seen before. If it wasn’t enough that the book is packed full of DC information and fun facts, but you will also receive a FREE exclusive pirate batman minifgure!!

Our Score: 9.5 / 10

5. Klutz: LEGO® Chain Reactions

For some making LEGO® models is just not enough, if this sounds like you or your kids then this book is perfect. Pat Murphy will make your imagination go wild with LEGO® builds that you have never seen or imagined possible before!

Our Score: 9.3 / 10

6. Awesome LEGO® Creations with Bricks You Already Have

Sarah Dees is the mum behind the popular children’s blog Frugal Fun for Boys, she is the author behind this incredibly fun LEGO® book. You will get a lot from this book, as is with their website its packed full of instructional builds, how-to guides and a bucket load of pictures!

Our Score: 9.2 / 10

7. LEGO® City Build Your Own Adventure

This book is packed of ideas that you can use to build your own LEGO® City, with DK including 50+ ideas it will keep you and your kids busy for sure. This book is perfect for all ages and skill levels.

Our Score: 9.2 / 10

8. LEGO® Amazing Vehicles

With over 100 LEGO® models this book is a must have if you want to keep busy. Not only have DK jam packed so many builds from hot air balloon to fire engine they also include four exclusive LEGO® mini models for you to build as well.

Our Score: 9 / 10

9. The LEGO® Ideas Book

Get ready to be inspired! Daniel Lipkowitz has pulled out over 500 models and ideas for you to build! Expect to see a massive range of ideas over the six themes they have included (transport, buildings, space, kingdoms, adventure, and useful makes). An awesome book that will give you hours of endless fun.

Our Score: 9 / 10

10. LEGO® Make Your Own Movie (Klutz)

Have you ever wanted to be a director of your own movie? Well now you can, Pat Murphy has detailed step by step instructions covernig how to create your very own stop motion LEGO® movies! Use your phone, tablet or computer to create endless amounts of movies with the mix-and-match story starter ideas!

Our Score: 8.9 / 10

11. LEGO® Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

Do you want to WOW your friends and family with endless amount of LEGO® trivia knowledge? DK have collated every piece of info that you would ever need or want to know in to one book, for example did you know that there is a glass slipper hidden in the Disney Castle set?

Our Score: 8.7 / 10

12. Build It! Volume 1

This book is aimed at the younger generation of LEGO® master builders, Jennifer Kemmeter has crafted this book to include a lot of pictures and instructions for children around the age of 5 and up. There’s lots to fun to be had with this book, it’s a perfect way to get your kids using their imagination and enjoying the world of LEGO!

Our Score: 8.5 / 10

13. The LEGO® Architecture Idea Book

This book is aimed at the more advanced LEGO® builder, Alice Finch gives you the tools, tips and techniques to be able to turn that house you built when you were younger into an absolute structural masterpiece!

Our Score: 8.5 / 10

14. LEGO: The Book of Everything

This book is perfect for encouraging your kids to learn about everything and anything in the world. Scholastic use LEGO® minifigures and comic strips throughout the book to bring fun to learning keeping your kids begging to read on until the end!

Our Score: 8.4 / 10

15. Build It! Volume 2

Jennifer Kemmeter had great success with Build It! Vol 1 that she proceeded to write another fun packed book for the LEGO® lover to keep busy. Expect to see how to use the LEGO® Classic set to make things like dinosaurs, boats, and desert scenes!

Our Score: 8 / 10

16. Build It! Volume 3

Again another by Jennifer Kemmeter, as if the first two Built it volumes were not enough she has managed to create another volume jammed full of even more ideas that you can use to build figures, sets and scenes using the bricks you have most LEGO® lovers will already have at home!

Our Score: 7.8 / 10

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