Belle-Ve Bricks

Custom Creations,
Unforgettable Impressions.

Designer Policy

Duration and Changes of the Contract

This contract/policy takes immediate effect as soon as the welcome and/or confirmation of a user becoming a designer/vendor on the Belle-Ve Bricks website.

The contract/policy may be subject to change, any changes will be communicated to the vendor either by email and/or a notification on the designer/vendor dashboard. It is the vendor’s responsibility to ensure all changes to the policy are understood. Unless the designer/vendor has stipulated that they do not accept this contract/policy Belle-Ve Bricks assumes the vendor is in agreement with the below contract/policy and therefore all points within it are binding.

What MOCs do we host?

There are two types of MOCs (My Own Creations) that we will host on the Belle-Ve Bricks website, these are FREE MOCS and PREMIUM MOCs.

There’s no limit to what MOCs we will host for you. The only thing we ask is that you keep your MOCs tasteful, please be mindful that children or young adults may visit the Belle-Ve Bricks website.

In the event that we do not feel your MOC is suitable for listing on this website it will not be approved during the review stage.

Data Storage

Unlimited free data storage is offered when an individual registers as a designer/vendor with Belle-Ve Bricks. This storage is to ONLY be used for files that are related to the designer/vendor’s listings. It is advised/expected for the designer/vendor to apply best usage practices to prevent the inefficiency of required web storage, for example, it is expected that the files that are to be provided upon are compressed (otherwise may be known as zipped) together to reduce overall file size and make downloading the files easier for the customer.

Any misuse of this will result in the files being deleted IMMEDIATELY and may result in the designer/vendor’s account with Belle-Ve Bricks being suspended or terminated.

Files that relate to vendors listings are:

Digital design or parts list files (.io .xml .ldd ONLY)

Instructions (.pdf ONLY)

Images for listing (.jpg .png ONLY)

Selling Process & Becoming a Vendor

When requesting to sell with Belle-Ve Bricks the below process will be followed.

You will need to register as a designer/vendor. If you need assistance you can refer to our step by step guide.

Once you have registered we will review your submission, in the event that any further information is required for you to become a designer/vendor we will make you aware. If all is well the designer/vendor request will be approved giving you the status and role of ‘Vendor’ on our website and the ability to sell your designs. As part of being an approved designer/vendor, you have a store generated and allocated on our website.

You are now able to list your first set of instructions for sale. If you need assistance you can refer to our step by step guide. We review each submission to ensure it contains the relevant information for it to be sold to your customers. Once we have reviewed it (assuming all is well) we will publish your listing and it will now show inside your shop.

You will be able to see all of your sales data within your seller dashboard. If you have any commission owed you will fall within our next pay out, all commissions are be paid within the first week of every month.

Rights of Designer/Vendor Account Closure or Listing Removal

As a vendor registered on the Belle-Ve Bricks website you have full rights to make a request to cancel your account. As you have full control of your listings you can remove any of them as you wish, in the event that you make a request to close your designer/vendor account ALL listings associated to that account will be automatically removed upon deactivation of said account.

Intellectual Property Rights

In listing a product (or otherwise known as a MOC, design or listing) in doing so declares that the designer/vendor owns or otherwise has the rights to utilise the trademarks and/or brands with which it operates and concerning the goods and / or services advertised on the platform and transferred through the Belle-Ve Bricks.

The designer/vendor, therefore, guarantees indemnity for Belle-Ve Bricks ( and all subsidiaries) from all claims and / or actions of third parties concerning infringement of intellectual property rights in relation to goods and / or services advertised on the platform and transferred through Belle-Ve Bricks website or shops. 

Copyright Rules

In the event that the below rules are not followed your account will be suspended whilst an investigation is carried out. Dependant on the severity of the case will either result in your MOC (or MOCs) being removed from our store permanently or your account being terminated.

In the event that your account is terminated any outstanding payments may not be paid to the designer/vendor until full investigation has been completed and it may be concluded that the remaining balance will be paid to Belle-Ve Bricks to fund the investigation. If this should happen no further transactions between the individual and Belle-Ve Bricks or Belle-Ve Bricks customers (potential and returning) will be permitted.

The rules are as follows:

You must be the original designer of the MOC or have written consent permitting you to sell the instructions. Under no circumstances are you to submit any other designer’s work without consent, this will lead to immediate suspension of your account.

If you have used another designer’s/vendor’s design for inspiration at which point your MOC heavily resembles the original copy it will be rejected or removed immediately.

Commission & Payments


We charge a 13% commission on all of your sales. This means that you will receive 87% of each sale (with a deduction of PayPal/transaction fees). In addition to our 13% commission, once a month when we transfer your money you will pay a transactional fee of 2.9% + 25p (please note that the percentage can vary based on your country).

Please note that a sale as mentioned above is calculated bthe CHECKOUT PRICE of your listing. If any promotional codes or discounts are applied to your listings we calculate the commission based on the CHECKOUT PRICE  before the discount has been applied, the VENDORS 87% commission will be calculated with a deduction of any discounted SALE PRICES or COUPONS.


At any given point you will be able to check your commission due and commission paid from your Designer/Vendor Dashboard.

Belle-Ve Bricks will NOT transfer funds to any other payment location other than the PayPal address that has been included in the vendor’s account. If a PayPal address is not included Belle-Ve Bricks will not be able to transfer the designer’s/vendor’s payment. Belle-Ve Bricks takes no responsibility for the designer/vendor creating or maintaining their PayPal account. If you are unable to open a PayPal account unfortunately at this time you will not be able to become a designer/vendor on the Belle-Ve Bricks platform and website.

The designer/vendor will receive a small charge by PayPal for receiving the payment, PayPal typically charges between 2.9% to 3.4% of the amount received + a flat fee, however, these fees may be different depending on your location, etc. This is just a rough estimate of the sort of fees you would expect to see, Belle-Ve Bricks are not liable for any changes in fees that PayPal make.

An example of a sale can be seen below. Please bear in mind that the percentage is typically 2.9% but it can vary depending on the country you live in.

You list a MOC for sale at the price of £10 which is bought by a customer. In your dashboard, you will see your commission for this sale as £8.70. In the first week of the next month, we transfer your commission to you. You receive £8.70 – 0.25p (2.9%) – 0.25p (flat fee) with the you a total of £8.20 final. 


When becoming a designer/vendor on the Belle-Ve Bricks website the designer/vendor acknowledges and agrees that he or she has full responsibility for calculating, declaring, paying, and all other tax-related activities which the designer/vendor may be liable for when accepting payment for their products/ listings that have been sold on/through the Belle-Ve Bricks website. The designer/vendor assumes all responsibility with all possible duty, tax, law, and/or tax and/or customs charges, of any kind.

Any fees that derive from a third party or subsidiary relating to a vendor listing will be at the responsibility of the designer/vendor. Belle-Ve Bricks holds no obligation or responsibility for any fees that may come from a designer’s/vendor’s listing, the agreement of sale is between the vendor and customer, with the designer/vendor taking full responsibility if required to make payments to a third party, these types of transactions are to be handled outside of the Belle-Ve Bricks website.