LEGO have announced that there will be three new Jurassic World sets released on 17th April, these are 76956 T-Rex Breakout, 76951 Pyroraptor & Dilophosaurus Breakout, and 76950 Triceratops Pick-up Truck Ambush.
Sets 76951 and 76950 are available to pre-order today, both are $39.99 and will be shipped on the 17th April. However they have not released a lot of information about the T-Rex Breakout set but its rumoured to be released around 25th April and you can expect to pick this up in the price of about $99.99.
Features an off-road vehicle, 3 minifigures and 2 toy dinosaurs. This set contains 254 pieces and has the recommended age of 7+.
T-Rex Breakout (76956)
LEGO have not yet added this set to their online store but they did share the following tweet earlier on today which shows us exactly what to expect with this set.
The Jurassic World Dominion movie is due to be released June 2022 which has been getting Chris Pratt and Jurassic Park / World fans very excited. If you watch this trailer you will see why!
/* Auto generated, hash = 5dceu9kevqjdyuy2uw1atqrsu */
//TODO: Break this file down so that we can actually unit test it.
(function(window) {
* Renders all unrendred LinkedIn Badges on the page
window.LIRenderAll = function () {
var CALLBACK_NAME = 'LIBadgeCallback', //Must match callback on helpers.js
BADGE_NAMES = '.LI-profile-badge, .LI-entity-badge',
// TODO -- tracking param for other badge types
TRACKING_PARAM = 'profile-badge',
responsesReceived = 0, //Keeps track of number of responses recieved for proper cleanup when finished
expectedResponses = 0, //Keeps track of number of responses to expect
scripts = [ ], //Keeps track of scripts added for proper cleanup when finished
childScripts = {}, //Keeps track of child scripts to render
badges =;
var i, len, badge, rendered;
for (i = 0, len = badges.length; i < len; i++) {
badge = badges[i];
rendered = badge.getAttribute('data-rendered');
if (!rendered) {
badge.setAttribute('data-rendered', true);
function isCNDomain() {
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
var hostName = window.location && window.location.hostname || '';
return (/linkedin(-ei)?.cn$/).test(hostName);
return false;
function generateUrl(isEI) {
var domainPrefix = isEI ? 'https://badges.linkedin-ei' : 'https://badges.linkedin';
if (isCNDomain()) {
return domainPrefix + ".cn/";
return domainPrefix + ".com/";
function getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge) {
return (attr) {
return'data-key-', 0) !== -1;
}).map(function (attr) {
// Most browsers automatically lowercase the attribute name when its being read
// We are calling lowercase on it again to ensure consistency for any browsers that are lagging behind.
return encodeURIComponent('data-', '').toLowerCase()) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(attr.value);
* Renders a single badge on the page
* @param badge: div element of badge to render
function renderBadge(badge) {
var size = badge.getAttribute('data-size'),
locale = badge.getAttribute('data-locale'),
type = badge.getAttribute('data-type'),
theme = badge.getAttribute('data-theme'),
vanity = badge.getAttribute('data-vanity'),
version = badge.getAttribute('data-version'),
isEI = badge.hasAttribute('data-ei'),
entity = badge.getAttribute('data-entity'),
isCreatePage = badge.hasAttribute('data-iscreate'),
uid = Math.round(1000000 * Math.random()),
baseUrl = generateUrl(isEI),
queryParams = [
'locale=' + encodeURIComponent(locale),
'badgetype=' + encodeURIComponent(type),
'badgetheme=' + encodeURIComponent(theme),
'uid=' + encodeURIComponent(uid),
'version=' + encodeURIComponent(version)
if (version === 'v2') {
baseUrl += 'view';
queryParams.push('badgesize=' + encodeURIComponent(size));
queryParams.push('entity=' + encodeURIComponent(entity));
queryParams = queryParams.concat(getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge));
} else {
baseUrl += 'profile';
queryParams.push('maxsize=' + encodeURIComponent(size));
queryParams.push('trk=' + encodeURIComponent(TRACKING_PARAM));
queryParams.push('vanityname=' + encodeURIComponent(vanity));
if (isCreatePage) {
url = baseUrl + '?' + queryParams.join('&');
badge.setAttribute('data-uid' , uid);
jsonp(url); //Calls responseHandler when done
* Handles a response from the server. Finds badge matching badgeUid and inserts badgeHtml there
* @param badgeHtml: String representing contents of the badge
* @param badgeUid: UID of the badge to target
function responseHandler(badgeHtml, badgeUid) {
responsesReceived ++;
var i, badge, uid, isCreate;
var defaultWidth = 330 // max possible width
var defaultHeight = 300 // max possible height
for (i = 0, len = badges.length; i < len; i++) {
badge = badges[i];
// isCreate needed to prevent reloading artdeco script tag
isCreate = badge.getAttribute('data-iscreate');
uid = parseInt(badge.getAttribute('data-uid'), 10);
if (uid === badgeUid) {
var badgeMarkup = `<body>${badgeHtml}</body>`
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function() {
var iframeBody = iframe.contentWindow.document.body;
// 5 px buffer to avoid the badge border being cut off.
iframe.setAttribute('height', (iframeBody.scrollHeight || defaultHeight) + 5);
iframe.setAttribute('width', (iframeBody.scrollWidth || defaultWidth) + 5);
iframe.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0'); = 'block';
replaceScriptTags(badge, isCreate);
// These functions are needed because badge markup is added via innerHtml property which does not run script tags
function replaceScriptTags(node, isCreate) {
if (shouldReplaceNode(node, isCreate)) {
node.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneScriptNode(node), node);
childScripts[node.src] = true;
} else {
var i = 0,
children = node.childNodes;
while (i < children.length) {
replaceScriptTags(children[i++], isCreate);
return node;
function shouldReplaceNode(node, isCreate) {
return isScriptNode(node) && !childScripts[node.src] && (!isCreate || (isCreate && !node.getAttribute('data-isartdeco')));
function isScriptNode(node) {
return node.tagName === 'SCRIPT';
function cloneScriptNode(node){
var script = document.createElement("script");
for( var i = node.attributes.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
script.setAttribute( node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value );
return script;
// Gets all incoming responses
window[CALLBACK_NAME] = responseHandler;
* Tries to clean added tags
function tryClean() {
//Clean up after all requests are done..
//Accounts for people including script more than once
var done = (responsesReceived >= expectedResponses && expectedResponses > 0) || responsesReceived >= badges.length;
if (done) {
delete window[CALLBACK_NAME];
// remove all script tags{
* Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
* @param url String: url of server to make request to
function jsonp(url) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
window.addEventListener('load', window.LIRenderAll, false);