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New LEGO® Loop Coaster 10303 Announced

Trusted by Over 392 Distinctive Clients
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Bring Your Idea to Life

LEGO have announced the first look at their new LEGO Loop Coaster (10303) today and what a great addition to the LEGO® Fairground Collection it is! This will be available with VIP early access on the 1st July, those who are not VIP will be able to pick theirs up on the 5th July. With a big drop, two loops and 11 minifigures this LEGO® Loop Coaster is going to be a massive hit, especially for those people that were big fans of the LEGO® Roller Coaster (10261).

LEGO Loop Coaster (10303)

LEGO Loop Coaster 10303 | 3,756 pieces | Available July 1 | US $399.99 | CAN $499.99 | UK £344.99

LEGO Loop Coaster 1
LEGO Loop Coaster 2
LEGO Loop Coaster 3
LEGO Loop Coaster 4
LEGO Loop Coaster 5
LEGO Loop Coaster 6
LEGO Loop Coaster 7

LEGO Loop Coaster 10303 Press Release



7th June 2022: The LEGO® Group has revealed the spectacular new LEGO® Loop Coaster set.  Not for the faint hearted, the new set is a staggering 92cm tall – making it one of the tallest LEGO® sets.

Inspired by some of the world’s most thrilling rides, the Loop Coaster is an immersive build filled with twists and turns. Exciting features will be uncovered along the build, including an innovative elevator tower for raising the car up to the top of the ride and two gravity defying loops. Builders can also power up the ride with motorized components, which are available separately, which will raise the elevator up automatically.

Guaranteed to generate a crowd, this playful set also contains eleven minifigures, including a ride operator, balloon seller, pretzel seller, hot-dog seller, a grandma, a young boy, and five rollercoaster riders.

Commenting on the set, LEGO® Designer Pierre Normandin says: “When we were designing this set, we wanted to recreate the feeling experienced when it just begins to tip over the highest point. Perfect for play or display, we are excited to add this set into the LEGO® Fairground Collection.

The LEGO® Loop Coaster set, available from 1st July 2022 via LEGO® Stores and, at the recommended retail price of 399.99 EUR/ 599.99 AUD/ 344.99 GBP/ 399.99 USD/ 499.99 CAD

 Age – 18+

Model measures:

  • Height: 36 in. (92 cm)
  • Width: 33.5 in. (85 cm)
  • Depth: 13.5 in. (34 cm)
  • Pieces: 3756


  • Innovative elevator tower raises the car up to the top
  • Gravity-driven coaster sends the riders through two loops
  • Add motorized components (available separately) for the elevator
  • The latest edition to the LEGO® Fairground Collection

Eleven minifigures:

  • A ride operator
  • A balloon seller
  • A pretzel seller
  • A hot-dog seller
  • A grandma
  • A young boy
  • Five rollercoaster riders

LEGO Roller Coaster 10261

Did you love the LEGO Roller Coaster (10261), if you did you are not alone that’s for sure!

This set is made up from 4124 pieces, a little smaller than the new LEGO® Loop Coaster that is soon to be released.

LEGO IDEAS Roller Coasters

There are also other great LEGO® Roller Coasters that have been uploaded to LEGO® IDEAS.

Here are a few of my favourites…

Double Looping Rollercoaster

LEGO IDEAS – Double Looping Rollercoaster

Designed By Nachapon LEGO® Pinball

The Island Pirates Coaster

LEGO IDEAS – The Island Pirates Coaster

Designed By Metalcoaster


Drop Coaster

LEGO IDEAS – The Drop Coaster

Designed By Wacky Brick


Wilderness Railroad LEGO® First Drop Track Roller Coaster

LEGO IDEAS – Wilderness Railroad: Lego’s First Drop Track Roller Coaster

Designed By Roller Coaster Matt

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    * Tries to clean added tags
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    * Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
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      script.src = url;

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