Belle-Ve Bricks

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LEGO  Home Alone Box Front
LEGO  Home Alone Box Front

LEGO IDEAS 21330 Home Alone – It’s Huge!

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It’s finally here and boy is a it big one! The last LEGO® IDEAS release for 2021 and it couldn’t be any more fitting than the LEGO IDEAS 21330 Home Alone set, an iconic Christmas movie released a month before Christmas, this set has the potential to fly off the shelves…

Children of the 80s especially are going to want to get their hands on this set, its not going to be for the faint hearted though, with it consisting of nearly 4000 pieces its going to keep you busy for a little while!

I do not normally look at the sets with the playability factor in mind but this set may convert me to think about playing rather than building, with Kevin making so many iconic tricks, pranks and traps on the Wed Bandits its hard to not relive the hilarious moments from the movie.

Before we jump in to the set I feel like we would not be doing the movie credit without getting in the Home Alone Christmas spirit. If you have never watched Home Alone before check out the trailer, read this post and then find the movie online so you can understand what all the hype is all about!

How great was that huh? So are you going to give the movie a watch?

Those of you that are hardcore Home Alone fans, here’s a little treat for you to put on whilst you are reading…

Right, enough about the movie. If you want to read more about it you can check it out on IMDB, here’s a link to save time going to google and finding it 😉

This set is due to be released on 1st November 2021 and will be priced at US$249.99 / AU$399.99 / CA$349.99 / £249.99 so expect a big build with loads of cool features inside and out, for those AFOL Home Alone fans out there, the McCalister House made from 3955 parts is surely an investment you can get behind?

The LEGO® 21330 Home Alone set includes 5 minifigures, from left to right they are:

  1. Kevin McCallister
  2. Marv
  3. Harry
  4. Kate McCallister (Kevin’s Mum)
  5. “Old Man” Marley

We do not see many accessories for the figures but what they have given is great, crowbars for the Harry and Marc to break in and the shovel for Marley. If you can remember Kevin through Marley was the infamous serial killer “the South Bend Shovel Slayer”.

The McCallister House (Exterior)

Unsurprisingly I have seen so many posts about the new Home Alone set all over social media, there are a lot of people who do not think must of how the house looks. I will be honest, this really surprised me as I think it looks absolutely amazing.

I wouldn’t say that the exterior is the most detailed set that I have seen but it works and for me being a huge fan of the movie I could quickly tell what it was. Especially when you put Kevin looking up to no good at the front door!

The McCallister House (Interior)

What I love the most about this set it the way it is completely interactive, as I mentioned earlier playability isn’t something I really look for in any LEGO® set, and that includes whether it is a official LEGO® set or a MOC too…

This set however, I seem to have fallen in love with, it’s brought the kid out in me and I want to just start playing, setting my own traps, reliving the moments that Kevin did in the first Home Alone movie.

Can you remember each of the iconic moments from the rooms in the above picture? How many traps can you see?

Another thing that I love about this set is the way the front is accessible in 5 sections. As an example, if you just wanted to recreate the scene where Kevin looks in the bathroom mirror, puts on aftershave and screams just open the top right section. I will stop now otherwise I will keep rambling on, ha!

As you can see from the above image this house is built in to three modular floors, each floor can be removed to allow for access top down. I think you would agree that this is again a nice little feature to have on such a big set.

I am really looking forward to getting my hands on this set, is it the best set out there? Not sure its the best but its up there in the top 10 for me as it brings back fond memories of laughter and mayhem from when I was young, however I do wonder how interesting this set will be to people who have not watched the Home Alone movies…

Drop a comment below to share your thought’s about this set. Will you be getting it? If you do where are you going to store it…

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