Belle-Ve Bricks

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Unforgettable Impressions.

LEGO Sets Releases in 2023

Trusted by Over 392 Distinctive Clients
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Bring Your Idea to Life

Are you a LEGO® fan looking for the newest and most exciting sets? Then you’ll be thrilled to hear about all of the great LEGO® set releases coming in 2023! We’ve put together a list of LEGO® sets that are expected to be released in 2023, the list will be updated when new sets are announced so be sure to save the page and check back regularly.

LEGO Harry Potter 2023

LEGO 76413 Hogwarts™: Room of Requirement

LEGO 76420 Triwizard Tournament: The Black Lake

LEGO 76412 Hufflepuff™ House Banner

LEGO 76411 Ravenclaw™ House Banner

LEGO 76410 Slytherin™ House Banner

LEGO 76409 Gryffindor™ House Banner

LEGO BrickHeadz 2023

LEGO 40615 Tusken Raider

LEGO 40619 Cruella de Vil & Maleficent

LEGO 40620 Eve & Wall-E

LEGO 40621 Moana & Merida

LEGO 40622 Steamboat Willie, Oswald, Snow White & Tinkerbell

LEGO 40623 Leia, Luke, Lando, Wicket & R2-D2

LEGO 40624 Alex

LEGO 40625 Lama

LEGO 40626 Zombie

LEGO 40630 Frodo & Gollum

LEGO 40631 Gandalf & Balrog

LEGO 40632 Aragorn & Arwen

LEGO Art 2023

LEGO 31208 Set name TBC

LEGO City 2023

LEGO 60327 Police Training Academy

LEGO 60371 Emergency Vehicles HQ

LEGO 60374 Fire Command Truck

LEGO 60389 Custom Car Garage

LEGO 60388 Gaming Tournament Truck

LEGO 60375 Fire Station and Fire Truck

LEGO 60370 Police Station Chase

LEGO 60386 Recycling Truck

LEGO 60387 4×4 Off-Roader Adventures

LEGO 60373 Fire Rescue Boat

LEGO 60369 Mobile Police Dog Training

LEGO 60384 Penguin Slushy Van

LEGO 60385 Construction Digger

LEGO 60394 ATV and Otter Habitat

LEGO 60383 Electric Sports Car

LEGO 60382 Vet Van Rescue

LEGO 60393 4×4 Fire Truck Rescue

LEGO 60392 Police Bike Car Chase

LEGO 60385 Cyber Stunt Bike

LEGO 60356 Bear Stunt Bike

LEGO Friends 2023

LEGO 41723 Donut Shop

LEGO 41724 Paisley’s House

LEGO 41726 Holiday Camping Trip

LEGO 41727 Dog Rescue Center

LEGO 41728 Heartlake Downtown Diner

LEGO 41729 Organic Grocery Store

LEGO 41730 Autumn’s House

LEGO 41731 Heartlake International School

LEGO 41732 Downtown Flower and Design Stores

LEGO 41733 Mobile Bubble Tea Shop

LEGO 41735 Mobile Tiny House

LEGO 41738 Dog Rescue Bike

LEGO 41739 Liann’s Room

LEGO 41740 Aliya’s Room

LEGO 41741 Dog Rescue Van

LEGO 41742 Cat Hotel

LEGO 41743 Hair Salon

LEGO 41751 Skate Park

LEGO 41754 Leo’s Room

LEGO 41755 Nova’s Room

LEGO Minecraft 2023

LEGO 21246 The Deep Dark Battle

LEGO 21245 The Panda Haven

LEGO 21244 The Sword Outpost

LEGO 21243 The Frozen Peaks

LEGO 21242 The End Arena

LEGO 21241 The Bee Cottage

LEGO 21240 The Swamp Adventure


LEGO 31133 White Rabbit

LEGO 31143 Birdhouse

LEGO Monkie Kid 2023

LEGO 80040 Monkie Kid’s Combi Mech

LEGO 80041 Mei’s Dragon Jet

LEGO 80043 Yellow Tusk Elephant

LEGO 80044 Monkie Kid’s Team Hideout

LEGO 80045 Monkey King Ultra Mech

LEGO Marvel 2023

LEGO 76244 Miles Morales vs. Morbius

LEGO 76245 Ghost Rider Mech & Bike

LEGO 76247 The Hulkbuster The Battle of Wakanda

LEGO 76248 The Avengers Quinjet

LEGO 76241 Hulk Mech Armor

LEGO 76242 Thanos Mech Armor

LEGO 76243 Rocket Mech Armor

LEGO 76245 Ghost Rider Mech & Bike

LEGO Lunar New Year 2023

LEGO 80110 Lunar New Year Display

LEGO 80111 Lunar New Year Parade

LEGO 40648 Money Tree

LEGO Duplo 10411 Learn About Chinese Culture

LEGO Super Mario 2023

LEGO 71413 Character Packs Series 6

LEGO 71414 Conkdor’s Noggin Bopper Expansion Set

LEGO 71415 Ice Mario Suit and Frozen World Expansion Set

LEGO 71416 Lava Wave Ride Expansion Set

LEGO 71417 Fliprus Snow Adventure Expansion Set

LEGO 71418 Creativity Toolbox Maker Set

LEGO 71419 Peach’s Garden Balloon Ride Expansion Set

LEGO Avatar: Way of the Water 2023

LEGO 75575 Ilu Discovery

LEGO 75576 Skimwing Adventure

LEGO 75577 Mako Submarine​

LEGO 75578 Metkayina Reef Home

LEGO 75579 Payakan the Tulkun & Crabsuit


It looks like 2023 is going to be a big year for new LEGO® set releases, with a massive variety of sets being released it’s clear that there’s a set for everyone. Are you someone who enjoys popular themes such as Harry Potter, LEGO® City, or Marvel… perhaps you prefer newer themes such as Avatar? No matter your preference there is certainly going to be a LEGO® set released in 2023 for you.

<div class="badge-base LI-profile-badge" data-locale="en_US" data-size="large" data-theme="dark" data-type="HORIZONTAL" data-vanity="ferdi-vol" data-version="v1"><a class="badge-base__link LI-simple-link" href=""></a></div>
/* Auto generated, hash = 5dceu9kevqjdyuy2uw1atqrsu */
//TODO: Break this file down so that we can actually unit test it.
(function(window) {
  * Renders all unrendred LinkedIn Badges on the page
  window.LIRenderAll = function () {
    var CALLBACK_NAME     = 'LIBadgeCallback', //Must match callback on helpers.js
        BADGE_NAMES       = '.LI-profile-badge, .LI-entity-badge',
        // TODO -- tracking param for other badge types
        TRACKING_PARAM    = 'profile-badge',
        responsesReceived = 0, //Keeps track of number of responses recieved for proper cleanup when finished
        expectedResponses = 0, //Keeps track of number of responses to expect
        scripts           = [ ], //Keeps track of scripts added for proper cleanup when finished
        childScripts      = {}, //Keeps track of child scripts to render
        badges            =;

    var i, len, badge, rendered;
    for (i = 0, len = badges.length;  i < len; i++) {
      badge    = badges[i];
      rendered =  badge.getAttribute('data-rendered');
      if (!rendered) {
        badge.setAttribute('data-rendered', true);

    function isCNDomain() {
      if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
        var hostName = window.location && window.location.hostname ||  '';
        return (/linkedin(-ei)?.cn$/).test(hostName);

      return false;

    function generateUrl(isEI) {
      var domainPrefix = isEI ? 'https://badges.linkedin-ei' : 'https://badges.linkedin';
      if (isCNDomain()) {
        return domainPrefix + ".cn/";

      return domainPrefix + ".com/";

    function getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge) {
      return (attr) {
        return'data-key-', 0) !== -1;
      }).map(function (attr) {
        // Most browsers automatically lowercase the attribute name when its being read
        // We are calling lowercase on it again to ensure consistency for any browsers that are lagging behind.
        return encodeURIComponent('data-', '').toLowerCase()) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(attr.value);

    * Renders a single badge on the page
    * @param badge: div element of badge to render
    function renderBadge(badge) {
      var size       = badge.getAttribute('data-size'),
          locale     = badge.getAttribute('data-locale'),
          type       = badge.getAttribute('data-type'),
          theme      = badge.getAttribute('data-theme'),
          vanity     = badge.getAttribute('data-vanity'),
          version    = badge.getAttribute('data-version'),
          isEI       = badge.hasAttribute('data-ei'),
          entity     = badge.getAttribute('data-entity'),
          isCreatePage = badge.hasAttribute('data-iscreate'),
          uid        = Math.round(1000000 * Math.random()),
          baseUrl = generateUrl(isEI),
          queryParams = [
            'locale=' + encodeURIComponent(locale),
            'badgetype=' + encodeURIComponent(type),
            'badgetheme=' + encodeURIComponent(theme),
            'uid=' + encodeURIComponent(uid),
            'version=' + encodeURIComponent(version)

      if (version === 'v2') {
        baseUrl += 'view';
        queryParams.push('badgesize=' + encodeURIComponent(size));
        queryParams.push('entity=' + encodeURIComponent(entity));
        queryParams = queryParams.concat(getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge));
      } else {
        baseUrl += 'profile';
        queryParams.push('maxsize=' + encodeURIComponent(size));
        queryParams.push('trk=' + encodeURIComponent(TRACKING_PARAM));
        queryParams.push('vanityname=' + encodeURIComponent(vanity));

      if (isCreatePage) {

      url = baseUrl + '?' + queryParams.join('&');
      badge.setAttribute('data-uid' , uid);
      jsonp(url); //Calls responseHandler when done

    * Handles a response from the server. Finds badge matching badgeUid and inserts badgeHtml there
    * @param badgeHtml: String representing contents of the badge
    * @param badgeUid: UID of the badge to target
    function responseHandler(badgeHtml, badgeUid) {
      responsesReceived ++;

      var i, badge, uid, isCreate;
      var defaultWidth = 330 // max possible width
      var defaultHeight = 300 // max possible height

      for (i = 0, len = badges.length; i < len; i++) {
        badge = badges[i];
        // isCreate needed to prevent reloading artdeco script tag
        isCreate = badge.getAttribute('data-iscreate');
        uid   = parseInt(badge.getAttribute('data-uid'), 10);
        if (uid === badgeUid) {
          var badgeMarkup = `<body>${badgeHtml}</body>`
          var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
          iframe.onload = function() {
            var iframeBody = iframe.contentWindow.document.body;
            // 5 px buffer to avoid the badge border being cut off.
            iframe.setAttribute('height', (iframeBody.scrollHeight || defaultHeight) + 5);
            iframe.setAttribute('width', (iframeBody.scrollWidth || defaultWidth) + 5);
          iframe.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0');
 = 'block';
          replaceScriptTags(badge, isCreate);

  // These functions are needed because badge markup is added via innerHtml property which does not run script tags
  function replaceScriptTags(node, isCreate) {
    if (shouldReplaceNode(node, isCreate)) {
      node.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneScriptNode(node), node);
      childScripts[node.src] = true;
    } else {
      var i = 0,
          children = node.childNodes;
      while (i < children.length) {
        replaceScriptTags(children[i++], isCreate);
    return node;

  function shouldReplaceNode(node, isCreate) {
    return isScriptNode(node) && !childScripts[node.src] && (!isCreate || (isCreate && !node.getAttribute('data-isartdeco')));

  function isScriptNode(node) {
    return node.tagName === 'SCRIPT';

  function cloneScriptNode(node){
    var script  = document.createElement("script");
    for( var i = node.attributes.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
      script.setAttribute( node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value );
    return script;

    // Gets all incoming responses
    window[CALLBACK_NAME] = responseHandler;

    * Tries to clean added tags
    function tryClean() {
      //Clean up after all requests are done..
      //Accounts for people including script more than once
      var done = (responsesReceived >= expectedResponses && expectedResponses > 0) || responsesReceived >= badges.length;
      if (done) {
        delete window[CALLBACK_NAME];

        // remove all script tags{


    * Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
    * @param url String: url of server to make request to
    function jsonp(url) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = url;

  if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
  } else {
    window.addEventListener('load', window.LIRenderAll, false);

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