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How to Get Back into LEGO as an Adult

Trusted by Over 392 Distinctive Clients
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Do you remember how excited you were to get your first LEGO set? The hours you spent putting those little pieces together, and the sense of accomplishment you felt when you were finished? Well, it turns out that playing with LEGO isn’t just for kids. In fact, there are many benefits to getting back into LEGO as an adult. Here is a complete guide on how to get started.

Why you should get back into LEGO as an adult

LEGO isn’t just for kids anymore! As an adult, building with LEGO can bring joy and offer a creative outlet that is simple yet satisfying. Whether it’s using LEGO to revitalize a childhood favorite or indulging your inner architect by constructing more elaborate components, there’s something profoundly relaxing about the meditative act of piecing together tiny plastic bricks into bigger structures. It’s also an activity that can be enjoyed solo or shared with others, so why not round up some friends and take on one of those giant boxes of 6,000 (or more!) pieces? You’ll be surprised at how rewarding and addictive it can be!

The benefits of LEGO for adults

LEGO is great for adults too! Not only are they a wonderful way to relieve stress after work, but LEGO can also improve your creativity and problem-solving skills. By building complex structures, adults can challenge their minds to think creatively and outside the box. Plus, if you complete a particularly difficult project, you’ll be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment that’s nearly as satisfying as taking home an Oscar! Lego sets are the perfect distraction from daily life that is both fun and beneficial for grown-ups.

How to get started with LEGO as an adult

Jumping into the world of LEGO as an adult can be fun and rewarding. Knowing where to start can be a challenge, though. Luckily it’s easy to get started without spending too much money or time. Research some of the popular options for versatile beginner sets.

From basic bricks to small builds that explore more complex concepts such as robotics or large-scale projects exploring architecture. Join the communities online, grab some inspirational books or tutorials and get building! The best way to become a pro at LEGO is to simply dive right in – it’s surprisingly therapeutic and immensely satisfying.

Tips for building with LEGO as an adult

1. Start Small

Getting started on projects doesn’t have to be a daunting task – start small and build up from there. Start by creating mosaics, keychains, ornaments, or even postcards. As you gain confidence, tackle more ambitious projects.

2. Take Your Time

Building models should be an enjoyable experience regardless of age or skill level. Don’t rush; take your time and enjoy the creative process of building your masterpiece.

3. Research Online

There are so many talented adult builders who have created amazing models using only basic sets of bricks–check them out for ideas and inspiration! A quick search on the internet can help you find plenty of great ideas to work on yourself.

4. Mix It Up

Get creative – consider mixing different sets and colors together to create something truly unique and original – after all, you are the architect now!

5. Have Fun Building LEGO

Most importantly, remember that LEGO building should be fun and rewarding regardless of age or skill level. Have fun with it!

Whether you’re a novice or well-practiced in the art of brick-building, you can use some tips to help refine your LEGO skills. As an adult with limited time on your hands, learning to streamline your techniques is key. First and foremost, make sure you have a sturdy workspace.

With LEGO sets containing hundreds of pieces, it’s easy for them to go flying off the table and become misplaced. Organizing bricks by color is also wise (and therapeutic). And when queries arise during construction, consult online tutorials or fellow lego enthusiasts to stay motivated and inspired.

But most importantly of all, remember – there are no rules when it comes to building with LEGO as an adult. So let your creativity run wild – because life’s too short not to!

The Best Sets for Adults Who Are Getting Back Into LEGO

If you’re looking to jump back into LEGO as an adult, you’re in luck! LEGO sets now cater to adults who love classic blocks. There are a variety of sets to choose from that offer complexity and a challenge while still being rewarding and fun.

Whether it be architecture sets like Big Ben or the Eiffel Tower, intricate sculpture designs such as Rainforest Animals and The White House, or even high-adrenaline sets like Star Wars Millennium Falcon, Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle, and Batman App-Controlled Batmobile –

there is something for everyone when it comes to Lego. With hundreds of amazing pieces on the market, picking up LEGO again is sure to be an enjoyable experience!

How to keep your LEGO collection organized as an adult

As adults, keeping your Lego collection organized is not just a fun hobby, it’s essential! One of the easiest ways to keep your Brick collection looking neat and attractive is by investing in durable storage with ample space. Look for large containers that are stackable and can fit all sizes of Legos.

Make sure to sort Legos into groups when placing them in the container – sorting them by color or brick style will make it easier to find pieces needed for projects. Another great way to store larger Lego sets is using clear containers that allow visibility so you can easily see each set without the need to open multiple boxes.

Lastly, if you have any rare or sentimental sets, it’s best to purchase protective cases designed specifically for Lego collections! This will help keep those beloved memories safe while also giving your room a beautiful, Lego-inspired display!


So there you have it, some reasons why you should get back into lego as an adult along with some tips to help you get started. If you’re interested in building a custom LEGO Model, be sure to check out our store. We specialize in helping adults who are getting back into LEGO find the perfect LEGO set for their interests and skill level. Thanks for reading!

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    * Tries to clean added tags
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    * Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
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