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Introducing Your Kids to LEGO (Complete Guide)

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LEGO is a popular toy for kids of all ages, but getting young children interested in them can be a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple strategies that you can use to get your kids excited about building with LEGO. Here are some tips on how to get your kids into LEGO.

To get your kids into LEGO, start by providing a few basic pieces and letting them explore and build whatever they want without any direction. Then, introduce larger building projects with LEGO® sets for their age group that include instructions to help guide them through the process. Finally, encourage creative building by offering a small selection of pieces and suggesting different ways.

Guide to getting your kids into LEGO

1. Start With the Basics

For young children, it’s best to start with the basics. Let them explore the different pieces and colors, and let them build whatever they want without any guidance or direction. This will give them an opportunity to develop their creativity and problem-solving skills as they figure out how each piece works together. It may also help if you provide some basic instructions on how the pieces fit together and what they can do when they’re connected properly. Additionally, having a few pre-made models available may help spark their interest in creating something more complex.

2. Get Them Involved in Building Projects

Once your child has gotten comfortable with playing around with individual pieces, it’s time to introduce them to larger building projects. There are plenty of LEGO® sets available for all age groups, so finding something suitable for their skill level shouldn’t be too difficult. Depending on their age, you may want to consider getting a set that includes instructions so that they can follow along as they build it step by step. If your child is older and more experienced with Legos, you can try introducing them to more challenging sets or even custom-building projects from scratch!

3. Encourage Creative Building

Even after your child has mastered the basics of assembling LEGO® sets, it’s important to keep encouraging creative building and experimentation. Try giving them a small selection of pieces and letting them come up with something new or suggesting different ways that they could use the pieces that they already have in unexpected ways. Not only will this help keep things fresh and interesting for them, but it will also allow them to practice their problem-solving skills and develop their creativity further!

More info

What’s the best way to get my kids interested in LEGO?

Start by providing a few basic pieces and letting them explore and build whatever they want without any direction. Then, introduce larger building projects with LEGO® sets for their age group that include instructions to help guide them through the process. Finally, encourage creative building by offering a small selection of pieces and suggesting different ways to use them.

How can I keep my kids engaged with LEGO® over time?

To keep your kids engaged with LEGO® over time, provide challenges such as offering a selection of pieces and suggesting different ways to use them or introducing more difficult sets that require problem-solving and creativity. Additionally, you can periodically introduce new sets to keep things interesting.

Does LEGO® help with problem-solving and creativity?

Yes, LEGO® helps with problem-solving and creativity by allowing kids to explore the different pieces and colors and build whatever they want without any guidance or direction. Additionally, providing instructions for larger projects can help guide them through the process while encouraging creative building will allow them to practice their problem-solving skills and develop their creativity further.

What kinds of LEGO® sets are available?

There is a variety of LEGO® sets available for all age groups, so finding something suitable for your child’s skill level shouldn’t be too difficult. You can start with basic sets that include instructions and progress to custom-building projects from scratch if your child is more experienced with LEGO. Additionally, there are themed sets such as Star Wars or Harry Potter for kids who enjoy those franchises.

How often should I introduce new LEGO® sets?

It depends on how quickly your child progresses and retains their interest in the hobby. Generally speaking, you can introduce new sets every few months or when your child expresses an interest in something new. Additionally, you can consider introducing more challenging sets as your child becomes more experienced with LEGO.

Are there any safety concerns when playing with LEGO?

Yes, it’s important to be mindful of the age guidelines provided by LEGO® and ensure that your child is supervised while playing. As a general rule of thumb, avoid giving small pieces to young children unless they are closely watched by an adult. Additionally, LEGO® should always be stored away properly after playtime is over to prevent them from becoming a choking hazard for younger children or pets.

What other resources are available for LEGO® enthusiasts?

There are a variety of resources available for LEGO® enthusiasts, such as websites, books, and videos. Websites like The Brothers Brick and Brickset offer information about upcoming sets and review current ones. Additionally, there are several YouTube channels dedicated to building with LEGO® that provides helpful tutorials and tips. Books like “The Unofficial Guide to Learning with LEGO” or “The LEGO® Ideas Book: Unlock Your Imagination” can be great resources for children who are just getting started with LEGO. Finally, attending events like brick conventions or competitions can also help your child learn more about the hobby while meeting other LEGO® enthusiasts!


LEGO is an incredibly fun way for kids of all ages to exercise their creativity and problem-solving skills while having fun at the same time! By starting with the basics and gradually introducing larger projects as your kid gets more comfortable with Legos, you can help ensure that they have a positive experience while learning valuable skills along the way! Encouraging creative building is also key; not only will this help keep things fresh and interesting for your kid but it will also help foster important skills like problem-solving and creativity! With these tips in mind, you should have no trouble getting your kids into LEGO® in no time!

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