Belle-Ve Bricks

Custom Creations,
Unforgettable Impressions.

The Art and Science of Custom LEGO® Models

Trusted by Over 392 Distinctive Clients
Custom model
Bring Your Idea to Life

LEGO® blocks have enjoyed enduring popularity since their introduction in 1949. The versatile and colorful interlocking bricks have transcended their roots as children’s toys, becoming an exciting medium for art, architecture, and therapeutic relaxation. 

One aspect that has particularly captured the attention of LEGO® enthusiasts is the creation of custom models. These bespoke creations, built without following a preset kit, showcase the endless possibilities that LEGO® bricks can offer. Let’s delve deeper into this unique LEGO® art form.

The Icons of Custom LEGO® Design

Throughout the years, some remarkable custom LEGO® creations have pushed the boundaries of what can be achieved with the humble LEGO® brick.

1. LEGO® Star Wars X-Wing

The X-Wing was not just any LEGO® model it was a 1:1 scale replica that used over 5 million bricks and was over 43 feet long. It was a stunning demonstration of the grandiosity that can be achieved with LEGO®.

2. James May’s LEGO® House

While it stood, James May’s LEGO® house was a testament to the architectural potential of LEGO®. This structure was not merely a model but a fully functional house with working doors, windows, and even a staircase made from LEGO® bricks.

3. Nathan Sawaya’s LEGO® Art

Former lawyer turned artist Nathan Sawaya has earned worldwide fame for his incredible LEGO® sculptures. His repertoire includes everything from enormous skulls to recreations of famous artworks, all made exclusively from LEGO® bricks.

4. Super Mario Bros. Diorama

This dynamic diorama, built by Baron von Brunk, captures a level from the iconic video game. With meticulous detail and moving parts, it showcases the storytelling potential of LEGO® models.

Advantages of Custom LEGO® Models over Traditional Sets

Custom LEGO® models allow builders to tap into their creativity in ways that traditional sets often don’t.

1. Unleashed Creativity

With custom models, builders are not confined by the boundaries of a predefined set. They can create virtually anything their imagination can conceive, resulting in unique designs.

2. Advanced Building Techniques

By stepping outside the traditional set of instructions, builders can explore more advanced and complex building techniques. This can lead to impressive designs and a deeper understanding of architectural principles.

3. Improved Problem-Solving Skills

Crafting a custom LEGO® model often requires overcoming numerous challenges, from design problems to physical constraints, and honing problem-solving skills.

4. Personal Fulfillment

A profound sense of satisfaction derives from bringing an original design to life, especially when it involves overcoming complex challenges.

Crafting Your Custom LEGO® Masterpiece

Creating a custom LEGO® model is a journey, a blend of creativity, planning, and trial and error. Here’s a detailed guide for experienced builders:

1. Define Your Concept

Start by visualizing your design. Advanced builders may consider using software like LEGO® Digital Designer or to plan their models in a digital space.

2. Compile Your Resources

Accumulate the bricks and elements you need. Advanced builders often need specialized pieces. Remember, color coordination and ensuring structural integrity can add depth to your model.

3. Construction Phase

With all your pieces at hand, begin the building process. This is where your plan takes physical form. Remember, iteration is key here; don’t be afraid to adjust and improve your design as you go along.

4. Refinement and Presentation

Once your build is complete, refine and make adjustments. Then, present it. A well-taken photo can make a huge difference in showcasing the details of your model.

More Info

How can I source rare LEGO® pieces for my custom model?

A: Apart from the official LEGO® ‘Pick A Brick’ and ‘Bricks & Pieces’ services, sites like BrickLink, BrickOwl, and various LEGO® user groups are excellent places to find rare or unusual parts.

Is there software available for designing LEGO® models?

A: Yes, LEGO® provides its free software, LEGO® Digital Designer. Third-party software like is also available. These tools help you design your models and generate a parts list for easy sourcing.

How can I learn advanced LEGO® building techniques?

Numerous online resources cater to the advanced LEGO® builder. Websites like Swooshable have sections devoted to advanced building techniques, and forums like Eurobricks provide a community for sharing techniques and ideas.


In conclusion, custom LEGO® models represent the epitome of LEGO® construction, demanding creativity, technical acumen, and a deep passion for the craft. Whether you’re an aspiring builder or an experienced LEGO® master, there’s a unique joy in watching a concept come to life through your hands, one brick at a time. Happy building!

Have you ever dreamt of a LEGO® set that perfectly captures your ideas and imagination? Belle-Ve Bricks can make that dream come true. We offer custom LEGO models, expertly designed and meticulously crafted to meet your unique specifications. 

Whether it’s a scene from your favorite movie, a miniature version of your dream house, or even a scale model of your pet, we can bring it to life with LEGO bricks. Don’t settle for off-the-shelf sets when you can have a unique LEGO model. Reach out to Belle-Ve Bricks today, and let’s start crafting your bespoke LEGO masterpiece!

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//TODO: Break this file down so that we can actually unit test it.
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    * Renders a single badge on the page
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 = 'block';
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    return script;

    // Gets all incoming responses
    window[CALLBACK_NAME] = responseHandler;

    * Tries to clean added tags
    function tryClean() {
      //Clean up after all requests are done..
      //Accounts for people including script more than once
      var done = (responsesReceived >= expectedResponses && expectedResponses > 0) || responsesReceived >= badges.length;
      if (done) {
        delete window[CALLBACK_NAME];

        // remove all script tags{


    * Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
    * @param url String: url of server to make request to
    function jsonp(url) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = url;

  if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
  } else {
    window.addEventListener('load', window.LIRenderAll, false);

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