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KZjoMMlk LEGO Designer scaled

15 Amazing Benefits of (Playing With LEGO)

Trusted by Over 392 Distinctive Clients
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Bring Your Idea to Life

LEGO is a company that brought a lot of joy and happiness to kids and adults all over the world. There are a plethora of LEGO® collectors all over the world, and they all share the excitement and fun that comes from collecting and using this type of product.

It’s something extraordinary that really pushes the boundaries and brings in some amazing benefits in the long run. Is it a good idea to start Playing With LEGO? What benefits can you get from it? Let’s find out!

Key Takeaway

  • Playing with LEGO® helps to improve problem-solving skills, build resilience and perseverance and teach how to follow instructions.
  • It also boosts self-esteem, provides an opportunity for role-playing, is a great way to relax and unwind, and gives people a chance to experiment and try out new things.
  • Playing with LEGO® teaches important lessons about overcoming failure as well as experimenting with new ideas.
  • There are endless creative possibilities available with LEGO®, making it a fun activity for all ages.

List of Amazing Benefits of Playing With LEGO

1. Developing Motor Skills and Hand-Eye Coordination With LEGO®

One of the core advantages of Playing With LEGO® is that you can develop hand-eye coordination and also improve motor skills. This is crucial for kids since these are skills that they need in the long run. It just adds to the experience and you get to cherish the results more than you would imagine.

2. Spatial Reasoning From Building With LEGO®

Another interesting thing about Playing With LEGO® is that you get to have a better understanding of space and spatial reasoning as a whole. It makes it easier to understand things and truly brings in creative ideas.

3. LEGO® Is Great for Divergent, Creative Thinking

With LEGO® play, everything is possible. You can leave your creative juices to flow and run wild. You can use these blocks to create everything you want. That’s a great idea and it truly pushes the boundaries in a very empowering and engaging manner.

4. Engineering Skills by Using LEGO®

Many LEGO® sets allow you to show off your engineering skills and even improve them. It’s a clever approach since you can easily create some amazing, very complex pieces that are unlike anything you can find out there.

5. You Can Build From Templates and Include Your Own Ideas With LEGO®

Some templates are great to start from, and there are also LEGO® designs and sets that can be customized with other pieces. It just makes it easier for you to add your own spin and that alone can really pay off. It’s a clever idea to do so, and you will be amazed by the results and process as a whole.

6. Cognitive Flexibility by Using LEGO®

You always need to focus on cognitive flexibility and the way you process ideas. Thankfully, Playing With LEGO® does that for you, since it offers new ways to think and adapt accordingly. It helps quite a lot, and it conveys the quality and value you always wanted. Just avail the opportunity and you will be amazed by the way it all comes together.

7. Enhancing Language Skills With LEGO®

Playing With LEGO® can also boost your language skills naturally. It makes it easier for kids and adults to express themselves, learns new words, and boost their vocabulary. It also gives a great opportunity to pretend play, and the benefits are indeed second to none thanks to that. You just have to use it as an advantage, and the outcome can be second to none all the time.

8. Social Competence by Building Together With LEGO®

Another thing about Playing With LEGO® is that it allows kids to connect with others. Building a LEGO® set can be a social experience that your kids can easily share with others. It brings a whole lot of fun while bringing a lot of clever ideas into the mix. That’s what makes it incredible in the first place since you have a vast array of options to consider and the quality is always very good.

9. Learn About Resilience and Perseverance With LEGO®

Completing a LEGO® set can be tricky and time-consuming. But it’s also rewarding, and it shows kids that if you do focus on doing something, it will pay off eventually. And that’s what makes it well worth it in the long run, the fact that it helps everyone improve their patience and perseverance without spoiling the fun.

10. Understanding How to Overcome Failure While Using LEGO®

Sometimes when you complete a LEGO® set, it can be hard to find the right piece so you will experience some failures. This is great because you get to learn new things in life and adapt them accordingly. That doesn’t mean it will make things harder. You just learn from mistakes and improve, which is a skill you will enjoy in real life as well.

11. Figuring Out How to Follow Instructions Using LEGO®

We always strive to do things our way, but sometimes we must follow instructions. Playing With LEGO® helps you learn how to follow the rules and how in doing so, you can get some amazing results. It certainly helps quite a bit, and you will appreciate the way it all comes together. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

12. Boosting Self-Esteem With LEGO®

Another great advantage when you are Playing With LEGO® is that you get to boost your self-esteem as well. It allows you to increase your happiness levels as you have fun since you can always try out something new. That alone really pushes the limits and benefits are second to none all the time.

13. Role-Playing Using LEGO®

Kids get to take the role of various figures while playing with LEGO® and they do try out something new. This is nice because it helps convey an amazing and immersive experience, while also making it easy for kids to pretend play. It’s certainly worth checking it out, and the benefits are among some of the best every time.

14. LEGO® Is Great to Relax and Unwind

You don’t need to start Playing With LEGO® sets that are very complex. There are also simple sets that can be great to complete, unwind, and relax. They are fun to do, rewarding and they bring in plenty of cool moments that you can enjoy. This is exactly why you have to check them out and give them a try.

15. Experimenting and Trying Out New Things Using LEGO®

Playing With LEGO® will also teach you how to try out new things and experiment. Every new LEGO® set is an adventure and completing it is part of the fun. Then you can display it and play with it. In the end, it just leads to an extraordinary experience, and the outcome is always very impressive.

As you can see, Playing With LEGO® is very helpful and beneficial for everyone. The fact that everyone can play with LEGO® regardless of their age is amazing, and it really conveys an amazing set of results. It’s not always going to be easy to achieve those goals, but if you do it right, nothing will be able to stand in your way!

More Info

What Are The Benefits of Playing With LEGO®?

Playing with LEGO® can help improve problem-solving skills, build resilience and perseverance, teach how to follow instructions, boost self-esteem, provide an opportunity for role-playing, be a way to relax and unwind, and give people a chance to experiment and try out new things.

How Can LEGO® Help Kids Learn?

Through playing with LEGO®, kids can learn problem-solving skills, resilience, and perseverance, how to follow instructions, boost self-esteem, and get an opportunity for role-playing. Additionally, it teaches them important lessons about overcoming failure as well as experimenting with new ideas.

What Skills Can You Gain from Playing With LEGO®?

By playing with LEGO®, people can develop problem-solving skills, resilience, and perseverance, learn how to follow instructions, boost self-esteem, gain role-playing experience, relax and unwind, as well as experiment and try out new things.

It also teaches important lessons about overcoming failure. All these skills are essential in life.


Playing with LEGO® is a great way to bring joy and creativity into the lives of children, as well as adults. It helps increase problem-solving skills, build resilience and perseverance, teaches how to follow instructions, boosts self-esteem, provides an opportunity for role-playing, allows one to relax and unwind, and gives people a chance to experiment and try out new things.

Even more importantly it teaches important lessons about overcoming failure as well as experimenting with new ideas. The benefits of playing with LEGO® are endless and there’s no limit to the creative possibilities that are available. With LEGO®, you can create anything your imagination desires! So grab some bricks today and start building!

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/* Auto generated, hash = 5dceu9kevqjdyuy2uw1atqrsu */
//TODO: Break this file down so that we can actually unit test it.
(function(window) {
  * Renders all unrendred LinkedIn Badges on the page
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      return false;

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      return domainPrefix + ".com/";

    function getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge) {
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        return'data-key-', 0) !== -1;
      }).map(function (attr) {
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        // We are calling lowercase on it again to ensure consistency for any browsers that are lagging behind.
        return encodeURIComponent('data-', '').toLowerCase()) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(attr.value);

    * Renders a single badge on the page
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    * Handles a response from the server. Finds badge matching badgeUid and inserts badgeHtml there
    * @param badgeHtml: String representing contents of the badge
    * @param badgeUid: UID of the badge to target
    function responseHandler(badgeHtml, badgeUid) {
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            iframe.setAttribute('width', (iframeBody.scrollWidth || defaultWidth) + 5);
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 = 'block';
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  function isScriptNode(node) {
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      script.setAttribute( node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value );
    return script;

    // Gets all incoming responses
    window[CALLBACK_NAME] = responseHandler;

    * Tries to clean added tags
    function tryClean() {
      //Clean up after all requests are done..
      //Accounts for people including script more than once
      var done = (responsesReceived >= expectedResponses && expectedResponses > 0) || responsesReceived >= badges.length;
      if (done) {
        delete window[CALLBACK_NAME];

        // remove all script tags{


    * Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
    * @param url String: url of server to make request to
    function jsonp(url) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = url;

  if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
  } else {
    window.addEventListener('load', window.LIRenderAll, false);

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