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17+ Best LEGO® Minecraft Sets

Trusted by Over 392 Distinctive Clients
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Bring Your Idea to Life

The LEGO® Minecraft sets offer a great way to bring your favorite game to life in physical form. Whether you’re looking for something small or large, there is certainly something here that will make the perfect addition to any collection. Here are our picks for the best LEGO® Minecraft sets available right now.

List of Best LEGO® Minecraft Sets

1. LEGO® Minecraft The Farm Cottage 21144

The LEGO® Minecraft The Farm Cottage 21144 set is perfect for anyone looking to recreate the beloved game’s rural setting. This set comes with a buildable farm cottage and an array of accessories including 3 minifigures, a pig, chicken, and baby pig figure, plus plenty of crops and tools. It also includes Steve and Alex minifigures with their own diamond tools, crafting tables, and enchanting tables to complete your world-building experience.

2. LEGO® Minecraft Crafting Box 2.0 21135

This modern-day classic is a must-have for any serious LEGO® Minecraft fan! The Crafting Box 2.0 21135 set includes over 460 pieces, which offer an incredible array of customizable options. It comes with 3 minifigures (including Steve, a zombie, and a Creeper), plus a host of accessories like crafting tables, furnaces, enchanting tables, mobs, and blocks. It also comes with a full set of tools including pickaxes, shovels, and swords.

3. LEGO® Minecraft The Zombie Cave 21141

The Zombie Cave 21141 set is the perfect way to bring your favorite game to life in physical form. This set comes complete with 4 minifigures (Steve, Alex, a zombie, and a spider) as well as plenty of blocky details such as pit-style stairs leading up from the cave entrance, a furnace, a crafting table, and lava. It also includes an iron pickaxe, shovel, sword, and other various tools to help you build your own unique Minecraft world.

4. LEGO® Minecraft The Nether Portal 21143

This set is perfect for those looking to really immerse themselves in the world of Minecraft. The Nether Portal 21143 set has everything you need to recreate the classic nether portal and all its surrounding environments. Included are 3 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and a zombie pigman) as well as plenty of detailed accessories like obsidian blocks, magma blocks, glow stone blocks, and more. Plus it comes with a full array of tools such as pickaxes, swords, and shovels to complete your

5. The LEGO® Village Mining Set 21160

The Village Mining Set (21160) is a great choice if you’re just starting out with LEGO® Minecraft builds. It includes Steve, Alex, and Zob as minifigures and also has accessories like TNT blocks, iron ore blocks, and a pickaxe. Plus, it contains 674 pieces in total so you can get creative when putting it together!

6. LEGO® Minecraft The Dragon’s Nest 21151

The Dragon’s Nest 21151 set is the perfect way to bring some real fire-breathing action to your Minecraft world. Included are 4 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and two Enderman figures) and plenty of accessories like obsidian blocks, TNT blocks, lava, and a dragon egg. Plus it comes with Steve’s iconic diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword as well as an iron ax to complete your legendary adventure.

7. LEGO® Minecraft The Iron Golem 21123

Bring the beloved Iron Golem from the game into physical form with this incredible set! The Iron Golem 21123 includes a large buildable Iron Golem figure as well as a host of accessories. It also includes 3 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and a zombie) plus an array of tools such as a pickaxe and shovel. Plus it comes with the iconic iron block to recreate your favorite game moments in real life.

8. LEGO® Minecraft The Nether Railway 21130

Explore the depths of Minecraft’s nether world with this incredible set! The Nether Railway 21130 provides plenty of action-packed building options, including 5 minifigures (Steve, Alex, a zombie pigman and two ghasts). It comes complete with several rails for vehicles as well as tracks for minecarts and other optional accessories like TNT blocks and obsidian blocks. Plus it contains Steve’s signature pickaxe, shovel, and sword for completing your Minecraft-inspired creations.

9. LEGO® Minecraft The Pirate Ship Adventure 21152

Set sail with this amazing set to recreate the classic pirate ship adventure from the game! The Pirate Ship Adventure 21152 comes complete with 4 minifigures (Steve, Alex, a zombie, and a skeleton) as well as plenty of accessories like barrels, blocks, and TNT. Plus it contains Steve’s iconic diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword alongside two sails for customizing your pirate ship adventures in real life.

10. LEGO® Minecraft The Wither 21126

This set is perfect for bringing one of the game’s most iconic bosses to life! The Wither 21126 features a large buildable figure as well as 4 minifigures (Steve, Alex and two wither skeletons). It also includes plenty of accessories like obsidian blocks, TNT blocks, lava, and Steve’s diamond pickaxe and sword. Plus it contains an iron axe to complete your epic adventure in real life.

11. LEGO® Minecraft The End Battle 21151

Fight off the Ender Dragon in this incredible set! The End Battle 21151 comes complete with 3 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and a zombie) as well as plenty of accessories such as obsidian blocks and TNT. Plus it comes with Steve’s diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword for completing your epic adventure.

12. LEGO® Minecraft The Jungle Tree House 21125

Climb up to the treetops and explore a new world in this fun set! The Jungle Tree House 21125 includes 4 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and two ocelots) plus plenty of accessories like vines, leaves, and logs. It also comes with Steve’s iconic diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword for completing your jungle adventures in real life.

13. LEGO® Minecraft The Crafting Box 21116

Create a vast array of items with this amazing set! The Crafting Box 21116 contains 2 minifigures (Steve and Alex) as well as plenty of blocks and accessories like TNT blocks and a furnace. Plus it comes with Steve’s signature diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword to help you complete your crafting tasks in real-life form.

14. LEGO® Minecraft The First Night 21115

This is the perfect introduction to building LEGO® Minecraft sets! The First Night 21115 includes 3 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and a zombie) plus plenty of accessories like torches and logs. It also comes with Steve’s iconic diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword for completing your first night outdoors in real life.

15. LEGO® Minecraft The Cave 21113

Explore the depths of a deep cave with this exciting set! Cave 21113 features 2 minifigures (Steve and a Creeper) as well as plenty of accessories like TNT blocks and ore blocks. Plus it contains Steve’s diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword to help you conquer any obstacles you come across during your adventure in real life.

16. LEGO® Minecraft The Nether Fortress 21143

Defend yourself against the dangerous Nether mobs with this awesome set! The Nether Fortress 21143 comes complete with 3 minifigures (Steve, Alex, and a zombie pigman) as well as plenty of accessories like obsidian blocks and TNT. Plus it contains Steve’s signature diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword for completing your epic fortress-building tasks in real life.

17. LEGO® Minecraft The Pirate Ship Adventure 21152

Set sail on an epic quest with this thrilling set! The Pirate Ship Adventure 21152 includes 4 minifigures (Steve, Alex, a skeleton, and a zombie) as well as plenty of accessories like TNT blocks and a chicken. Plus it comes with Steve’s signature diamond pickaxe, shovel, and sword for completing your pirate adventure in real life.


If you’re looking for a way to build your own world from the popular game, then look no further than LEGO® Minecraft sets! With detailed minifigures, iconic accessories, and plenty of building options, these sets are sure to bring any fan’s wildest dreams to life. So go ahead and explore all the best Lego® Minecraft sets today and start your own adventures in the exciting world of Minecraft!

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