Belle-Ve Bricks

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Brick by Brick.

12+ Advanced LEGO Building Techniques

Trusted by Over 392 Clients
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Bring Your Idea to Life

LEGO building is a creative and fun way to engage with the world. It can be used to create anything from simple models to complex structures and sculptures. With a few techniques, you can improve your LEGO building skills and create amazing masterpieces. Here are some useful tips that will help you take your LEGO creations to the next level.

Key Takeaway

  • Break down the project into smaller pieces and focus on one task at a time.
  • Draw or sketch out what you have in mind before beginning any build.
  • Utilize specialized pieces for more sophisticated builds.
  • Stagger connections to provide added stability and strength where needed.
  • Balance your builds to prevent toppling over easily.
  • Interlock pieces together rather than just stacking them on top.
  • Reinforce weak points with extra bricks for increased integrity of the structure.
  • Utilize colorful parts to add visual interest “building guides”, and get creative with your designs!
  • Add Greebling for more detailed builds, use contrast to make certain elements stand out, and add motion with hinges, motors, and servos.

List of 12 LEGO Building Techniques

1. Start with a solid foundation: Make sure you have a good base for your structure, and make sure it’s stable enough to carry the weight of whatever you plan on building.

2. Utilize specialized pieces: One way to give your builds more sophistication is by utilizing specialized pieces that are made specifically for certain tasks like axles and flexible hoses.

3. Stagger connections: When connecting two pieces together, stagger them in different directions instead of having them connect directly side-by-side; this allows for added stability and strength in the connection when needed.

4. Be mindful of stress points: Try to avoid putting too much strain on any one spot as this can cause the entire construction to become unstable.

5. Balance your builds: It’s important to make sure that all sides of your build are balanced in weight and height so that it doesn’t topple over easily.

6. Interlock pieces: Where possible, try to interlock pieces together rather than just stacking them on top; this provides more stability and strength for larger structures due to the increased surface area of the connection between two pieces.

7. Reinforce weak points: If you notice any weak spots where a piece might potentially break off or fall apart, reinforce it with some extra bricks to ensure its integrity remains intact.

8. Utilize colorful parts: Using brightly colored parts can help add visual interest as well as provide a “building guide” to help you keep track of where everything goes.

9. Get creative: Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when building! You can get really creative with your designs by connecting pieces in unexpected ways, using multiple colors together, or mixing different size pieces for an interesting look.

10. Have fun: Most importantly, have fun and enjoy yourself while building! LEGO is all about having a good time and being creative, so don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works best for you!

greebling: Greebling is the act of adding small details to a build in order to make it look more interesting. This can be anything from tiny tools to extra bricks, or other accessories that add an extra level of detail to your creations.

11. Use contrast: Adding contrasting colors or textures can help make certain elements stand out and give your builds added visual interest. For example, you could use black pieces against a white background for a more dramatic effect.

12. Add movement: You can add motion to your builds by incorporating things like hinges, motors, and servos into your designs; this creates an interactive element that brings life to any LEGO creation!


By following these techniques, you should be well on your way to becoming a master LEGO builder in no time! Good luck and happy building!

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//TODO: Break this file down so that we can actually unit test it.
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    * Renders a single badge on the page
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    * @param badgeUid: UID of the badge to target
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    // Gets all incoming responses
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    * Tries to clean added tags
    function tryClean() {
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      //Accounts for people including script more than once
      var done = (responsesReceived >= expectedResponses && expectedResponses > 0) || responsesReceived >= badges.length;
      if (done) {
        delete window[CALLBACK_NAME];

        // remove all script tags{


    * Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
    * @param url String: url of server to make request to
    function jsonp(url) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = url;

  if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
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    window.addEventListener('load', window.LIRenderAll, false);

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