In today’s fast-paced and often monotonous work environments, finding ways to stay motivated and inspired is crucial. Many people decorate their offices with photos, artwork, or motivational quotes, but why not take it a step further and incorporate an exciting work of art that truly stands out?
That’s where exclusive LEGO® building replicas come in. These intricately designed models offer a unique and captivating addition to any workspace, providing a miniature version of your headquarters that will spark conversation and stimulate creativity. Let’s explore how LEGO® building replicas can motivate individuals in their office settings.
5 Reasons LEGO® Building Replicas Motivate
1. Captivating Conversation Starters
Imagine entering an office adorned with a meticulously crafted LEGO® replica of your company’s headquarters. It immediately catches the eye and becomes a focal point of conversation.
Co-workers and visitors alike will be drawn to this miniature masterpiece, prompting questions and discussions about your organization’s history, achievements, and future aspirations. LEGO® building replicas serve as icebreakers and conversation starters, fostering community and collaboration within the office.
2. Symbolic Representation of Achievement
Having a LEGO® replica of your headquarters in your office is not just a decorative piece; it represents the culmination of hard work and success. It serves as a tangible reminder of the milestones your organization has reached and the challenges you have overcome.
Each brick in the replica represents the effort and dedication to building your company, reinforcing a sense of pride and accomplishment. This visual representation of achievement can inspire individuals to strive for greatness in their work and contribute to the organization’s continued success.
3. Stimulating Creativity and Innovation
LEGO® building replicas are not just static displays; they invite individuals to engage with them. Building, rearranging, and customizing LEGO® bricks stimulates the creative and innovative parts of the brain.
As people interact with the LEGO® replica, they are encouraged to think outside the box, problem-solve, and develop fresh ideas. This hands-on approach to creativity helps break free from the confines of routine tasks, leading to a more dynamic and innovative work environment.
4. Personalized Expression of Identity
A LEGO® building replica can also be customized to reflect the individual’s touch. Whether incorporating unique elements that represent their role in the organization or adding personalized details that showcase their personality, customization options provide an opportunity for self-expression.
By infusing their workspace with a LEGO® replica that reflects their identity, individuals feel a greater sense of ownership and belonging, fostering motivation and a stronger connection to their work.
5. Building a Sense of Fun and Playfulness
Bringing LEGO® into the workplace instantly adds an element of fun and playfulness. The vibrant colors, the satisfying click of the bricks, and the joy of building and rebuilding evoke a childlike sense of wonder and imagination.
This lighthearted atmosphere can alleviate stress, boost morale, and encourage a positive work culture. LEGO® building replicas remind individuals that work doesn’t have to be solely severe and rigid; it can be enjoyable and filled with moments of play.
Incorporating exclusive LEGO® building replicas into office spaces offers more than just visual appeal. They become catalysts for conversation, symbols of achievement, stimulators of creativity, expressions of identity, and promoters of a fun and playful work environment.
These replicas inspire individuals to go beyond the ordinary and find motivation in their surroundings. So why settle for mundane decorations when you can have a miniature LEGO® version of your headquarters that sparks excitement and inspiration?
Experience the Magic of Custom LEGO® Designs with Belle-Ve Bricks!
Unlock your imagination and bring your wildest LEGO® dreams to life with Belle-Ve Bricks. Our team of skilled builders and designers is ready to create personalized LEGO® creations that reflect your unique vision. Whether it’s a replica of your favorite landmark, a custom Minifigure collection, or a one-of-a-kind masterpiece, we’ve got you covered.
Ready to embark on a LEGO® adventure like no other? Let Belle-Ve Bricks turn your imagination into reality and create a LEGO® masterpiece that will leave you in awe. Don’t wait! Contact us today, and let’s build something extraordinary together!
<div class="badge-base LI-profile-badge" data-locale="en_US" data-size="large" data-theme="dark" data-type="HORIZONTAL" data-vanity="ferdi-vol" data-version="v1"><a class="badge-base__link LI-simple-link" href=""></a></div>
/* Auto generated, hash = 5dceu9kevqjdyuy2uw1atqrsu */
//TODO: Break this file down so that we can actually unit test it.
(function(window) {
* Renders all unrendred LinkedIn Badges on the page
window.LIRenderAll = function () {
var CALLBACK_NAME = 'LIBadgeCallback', //Must match callback on helpers.js
BADGE_NAMES = '.LI-profile-badge, .LI-entity-badge',
// TODO -- tracking param for other badge types
TRACKING_PARAM = 'profile-badge',
responsesReceived = 0, //Keeps track of number of responses recieved for proper cleanup when finished
expectedResponses = 0, //Keeps track of number of responses to expect
scripts = [ ], //Keeps track of scripts added for proper cleanup when finished
childScripts = {}, //Keeps track of child scripts to render
badges =;
var i, len, badge, rendered;
for (i = 0, len = badges.length; i < len; i++) {
badge = badges[i];
rendered = badge.getAttribute('data-rendered');
if (!rendered) {
badge.setAttribute('data-rendered', true);
function isCNDomain() {
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
var hostName = window.location && window.location.hostname || '';
return (/linkedin(-ei)?.cn$/).test(hostName);
return false;
function generateUrl(isEI) {
var domainPrefix = isEI ? 'https://badges.linkedin-ei' : 'https://badges.linkedin';
if (isCNDomain()) {
return domainPrefix + ".cn/";
return domainPrefix + ".com/";
function getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge) {
return (attr) {
return'data-key-', 0) !== -1;
}).map(function (attr) {
// Most browsers automatically lowercase the attribute name when its being read
// We are calling lowercase on it again to ensure consistency for any browsers that are lagging behind.
return encodeURIComponent('data-', '').toLowerCase()) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(attr.value);
* Renders a single badge on the page
* @param badge: div element of badge to render
function renderBadge(badge) {
var size = badge.getAttribute('data-size'),
locale = badge.getAttribute('data-locale'),
type = badge.getAttribute('data-type'),
theme = badge.getAttribute('data-theme'),
vanity = badge.getAttribute('data-vanity'),
version = badge.getAttribute('data-version'),
isEI = badge.hasAttribute('data-ei'),
entity = badge.getAttribute('data-entity'),
isCreatePage = badge.hasAttribute('data-iscreate'),
uid = Math.round(1000000 * Math.random()),
baseUrl = generateUrl(isEI),
queryParams = [
'locale=' + encodeURIComponent(locale),
'badgetype=' + encodeURIComponent(type),
'badgetheme=' + encodeURIComponent(theme),
'uid=' + encodeURIComponent(uid),
'version=' + encodeURIComponent(version)
if (version === 'v2') {
baseUrl += 'view';
queryParams.push('badgesize=' + encodeURIComponent(size));
queryParams.push('entity=' + encodeURIComponent(entity));
queryParams = queryParams.concat(getBadgeKeyQueryParams(badge));
} else {
baseUrl += 'profile';
queryParams.push('maxsize=' + encodeURIComponent(size));
queryParams.push('trk=' + encodeURIComponent(TRACKING_PARAM));
queryParams.push('vanityname=' + encodeURIComponent(vanity));
if (isCreatePage) {
url = baseUrl + '?' + queryParams.join('&');
badge.setAttribute('data-uid' , uid);
jsonp(url); //Calls responseHandler when done
* Handles a response from the server. Finds badge matching badgeUid and inserts badgeHtml there
* @param badgeHtml: String representing contents of the badge
* @param badgeUid: UID of the badge to target
function responseHandler(badgeHtml, badgeUid) {
responsesReceived ++;
var i, badge, uid, isCreate;
var defaultWidth = 330 // max possible width
var defaultHeight = 300 // max possible height
for (i = 0, len = badges.length; i < len; i++) {
badge = badges[i];
// isCreate needed to prevent reloading artdeco script tag
isCreate = badge.getAttribute('data-iscreate');
uid = parseInt(badge.getAttribute('data-uid'), 10);
if (uid === badgeUid) {
var badgeMarkup = `<body>${badgeHtml}</body>`
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.onload = function() {
var iframeBody = iframe.contentWindow.document.body;
// 5 px buffer to avoid the badge border being cut off.
iframe.setAttribute('height', (iframeBody.scrollHeight || defaultHeight) + 5);
iframe.setAttribute('width', (iframeBody.scrollWidth || defaultWidth) + 5);
iframe.setAttribute('frameBorder', '0'); = 'block';
replaceScriptTags(badge, isCreate);
// These functions are needed because badge markup is added via innerHtml property which does not run script tags
function replaceScriptTags(node, isCreate) {
if (shouldReplaceNode(node, isCreate)) {
node.parentNode.replaceChild(cloneScriptNode(node), node);
childScripts[node.src] = true;
} else {
var i = 0,
children = node.childNodes;
while (i < children.length) {
replaceScriptTags(children[i++], isCreate);
return node;
function shouldReplaceNode(node, isCreate) {
return isScriptNode(node) && !childScripts[node.src] && (!isCreate || (isCreate && !node.getAttribute('data-isartdeco')));
function isScriptNode(node) {
return node.tagName === 'SCRIPT';
function cloneScriptNode(node){
var script = document.createElement("script");
for( var i = node.attributes.length-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
script.setAttribute( node.attributes[i].name, node.attributes[i].value );
return script;
// Gets all incoming responses
window[CALLBACK_NAME] = responseHandler;
* Tries to clean added tags
function tryClean() {
//Clean up after all requests are done..
//Accounts for people including script more than once
var done = (responsesReceived >= expectedResponses && expectedResponses > 0) || responsesReceived >= badges.length;
if (done) {
delete window[CALLBACK_NAME];
// remove all script tags{
* Makes Jsonp request, responses handles by CALLBACK_NAME
* @param url String: url of server to make request to
function jsonp(url) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = url;
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
} else {
window.addEventListener('load', window.LIRenderAll, false);